Planned Giving

Gifts of Stock
When you make a gift a stock to Hope Enterprises Foundation that has appreciated in value, this may serve as one of the most advantageous ways to support our mission.Your charitable income tax deduction is equal to the fair market value of the stock and you avoid paying the capital gains tax on any increase in the current value over the original cost of the stock. You may also save by not incurring brokerage fees because you are transferring ownership rather than selling the stock.
It is always important to receive advice from an expert before making any major financial decisions. We encourage you to consult with your attorney when considering gifting a stock.
Please make Hope Enterprises Foundation aware of any stock transfer that is made so we can properly acknowledge your gift and forward information for your tax deduction.
A Bequest in a Will
Many people like to designate a gift to Hope Enterprises Foundation in their will. This option can allow you to support programs that have special meaning to you while maintaining your cash flow during your lifetime.Bequests can be specific as to a certain percentage of your estate, dollar amount, or asset to be given to Hope, and can be directed to a particular purpose. A charitable bequest can also help you reduce estate taxes or administrative expenses.
Sample Wording:
I give (% of my estate, or $ dollar amount, or specific property) to the Hope Enterprises Foundation, Inc., located at 2401 Reach Road, Williamsport, Pennsylvania 17701. Please be sure to use our complete name and address: Hope Enterprises Foundation, Inc., 2401 Reach Road, Williamsport, Pennsylvania 17701.
Retirement Assets
Making a gift of assets held in an IRA or qualified retirement plan can be a simple and tax-wise option for supporting Hope’s mission.
Most retirement plans, including 401(k)s and IRAs, are income tax-deferred, meaning that income tax is not paid until the funds are distributed to you in life, or upon your death. This makes retirement assets among the costliest assets to distribute to loved ones.
When you bequeath a retirement asset to the Hope Enterprises Foundation, the entire value of the asset will transfer without federal income tax or estate tax consequences, making it an ideal gift.
To donate a retirement asset to Hope, contact your plan’s administrator to specify the Hope Enterprises Foundation Inc., as beneficiary.
At the age of 70 ½, IRA owners may take a qualified charitable distribution for their required minimum distribution from their IRAs for the tax year. This would allow you to make a distribution to Hope Enterprises Foundation directly and enjoy the tax benefit of excluding this distribution from your taxable income and enabling you to still use the standard deduction.
Life Insurance
Continue to support Hope’s work even after your lifetime by naming us as a beneficiary of your life insurance.
Simply decide what percentage of the policy’s value (1%-100%) you would like us to receive and name us, along with the stated percentage, on the beneficiary form. Then return the form to your insurance company and a copy to the Hope Enterprises Foundation for our records.
You will need our full legal name, Hope Enterprises Foundation, Inc., to name us a beneficiary of the policy at the time of your death.
Gift of Real Estate
You can make a gift to the Hope Enterprises Foundation of your home, farm, or secondary residence by retaining the use of the property for as long as you and your spouse live. This makes it possible for you to give a larger gift than your resources might otherwise permit.As owners, you continue to care for the property, pay the taxes, the insurance and other homeowner expenses. However, since you have made a gift of the property you deed, you will receive an income tax deduction for the present value of the remainder interest without an outlay of any cash.
Upon your death, Hope Enterprises Foundation will use the property or proceeds from its sale to further our mission. Please contact your legal or tax advisor for an explanation of any restrictions.
Charitable Remainder Trust (CRT)
This is an ideal option for individuals with assets that have appreciated in value and would be subject to significant tax liability when liquidated. If you make a deferred gift to the Hope Enterprises Foundation, this allows you to provide a guaranteed income stream to one or more individuals.This option allows you to receive an immediate tax deduction on the value of the assets which fund the trust. The income you receive can be fixed or based on a percentage and at the end of this period, the remaining balance in the trust will be given to the Hope Enterprises Foundation.
For more information, contact:
Mackenzie HoweDirector of Development
Hope Enterprises Foundation, Inc.
[email protected]