Sen. Toomey Visits Hope Enterprises
October 27, 2017

WILLIAMSPORT, Pa. – On Friday, September 29, Sen. Pat Toomey visited Hope Enterprises' Reach Road facility, touring the organization's Innovations Day Program and Business Industrial Services Center and meeting with Hope's senior leadership, management staff, board members and individuals.
"It was incredible to have a U.S. senator come to Hope," said Robert Labatch, president of Hope Enterprises, adding that he believes this is the first time Hope has had the honor of hosting a sitting member of the Senate.
"We would like to thank Senator Toomey for taking time out of his day to engage with our staff and individuals and to see the supports and services that Hope provides," said Labatch, noting that the senator was very interactive during his visit.
"This was not a political event," said Labatch. "The senator asked us some good questions, and he shared with us some of the things that the Senate is doing in Washington. He talked with our individuals, asking them what they were doing during their day. One of our individuals asked him about health care. Others told him about the activities they have the opportunity to be involved in through the program as they volunteer in the community."
Labatch said Hope's individuals wanted to offer the senator a small gift that would serve as a keepsake of his visit.
"We have a rock garden featuring rocks that are hand painted by our individuals," said Labatch. "Pedie McDonald, who often serves as a spokesperson for our individuals, presented the senator with a rock featuring the Hope emblem."
Hope's Innovations Day Program provides program-based and community activities designed to enhance individuals' quality of life through improved cognitive, social, fine-motor, gross-motor and other skills.

Hope's Business Industrial Services Center serves as home to Hope's industrial outsourcing services for area businesses. The organization's other business offerings include custodial services; a mobile car wash; and a revenue-generating, affirmative-industry program known as Hope Soap, which provides handmade soaps for sale through retail partners.
Hope Enterprises was chosen by Pennsylvania Business Central as being among the "Top 100 Organizations of 2016," a recognition that honors leading companies and institutions from the publication's 23-county coverage area for their consistent growth, commitment to honest business practices, and community giving.
Hope Enterprises Inc. was founded in 1952 by Williamsport physician Max C. Miller, M.D., and his wife, Leona, as well as other parents and community leaders to provide community services to individuals with intellectual disABILITIES. Today, Hope employs 550 people and provides services to more than 800 individuals with intellectual disABILITIES in seven central Pennsylvania. counties and offers a wide range of programs for children, teens and adults.
Other services include preschool programs, early intervention services, and physical, occupational and speech therapy services for children; a TeenLink program that helps adolescents transition from school to independent living; habilitation and companion services; work readiness programs that help individuals improve social, behavioral and vocational skills specifically as these skills relate to employment; job coaching, training, placement and follow-up services that pair individuals who want to work with employment opportunities in the community; community homes; a life-sharing program that offers individuals with intellectual disABILITIES the opportunity to live with a family or person who will support their desire for an everyday life; and other support programs.
The organization receives 83 percent of its funding from federal sources through home and community-based waivers under Section 1902(a)(10)(B) of the Social Security Act, as approved by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services.